Southampton Medina Mosque is the first purpose built Mosque in the south of England. The building work started in 1990. Center of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah – the Mosque has been built with the donations of time and money by the Muslim community of Southampton with the land upon which it is built having been sold to the Muslim community by the local authorities. The Mosque first opened its doors to the public in 2001. It is one of the most recognised and noticeable religious buildings in the city of Southampton.
The SMMTL is an affiliate of the Muslim Council of Southampton. The governance of the Mosque and the services that it provides have been nationally recognised. It is named as one of the top centres of excellence mosques in the country. The ability and commitment of the SMMTL to promote a cohesive and harmonious society has made the Mosque a much sought after venue for Inter Faith functions and events. It also has effective partnerships with national charities such as Islamic Help, Muslim Hands and Muslim Aid.

Mosque Governance
The Mosque is managed by the Southampton Medina Mosque Trust Limited(the SMMTL), a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Members of the Trust meet once every year to elect a Board of Trustees which then elects its office bearers.
SMMTL memorandum & articles of association
Dear Naheed, Thank you so so much for our visit to you on Wednesday. It was so good of you to give us your time and I know that the students all found it incredibly interesting. It was particularly important to them to be able to ask questions, and we all really appreciated that you were so frank and full in your answers. Your personal touch also made a real connection with the students. They all said how valuable it was for them to hear about Islam from you, and you really gave us all an insight into what Islam is all about. They also enjoyed the opportunity to look around the mosque itself and we were very privileged to be able to witness the prayer session. I will not be teaching this module next academic year, but expect to do so for the two years after and I would love to be able to bring students again. It is really important to get the perspective of someone who is actually living the faith as opposed to only studying it.
Hi Naheed, Just wanted to say a quick and massive thank you for leading the visit today. It has been very involving and captivating and the students and staff are still talking about all the info you have given us! Thank you Kind Regards Magdalena
Dear Naheed
It was a joy to be with you all on Sunday evening. Thank you, and everyone at Medina Mosque, for generous hospitality and a warm welcome. It is right, I am quite sure, that we seek to do everything we can to build solid, deep-rooted and lasting friendships within our City.
With best wishes and my prayers